Wednesday 23 January 2008

First posting nerves.

Whether you happened upon this blog by design, or because the 'blues' got you too, welcome.

Why now? It could be because I've entered the 21st Century ten years too late. It may be that a fast approaching birthday brings me ever nearer a milestone I'd sooner avoid, and I need to have my obscure thoughts preserved in a more permanent form before I shuffle off this mortal coil. I suppose it may be that I want to vent a frustrated voice about what seems to be happening to the independent criminal bar - thank you Charon QC for publishing the extraordinary exchange of letters between Timothy Dutton QC and Richard Collins as an indication of the sort of intimidation the bar faces when as individuals they refuse to accept significant cuts in pay despite little or no choice in the matter. It could be that I wish to express a sometime irreverent view of legal issues and the wider world outside the bar.

It may be a mixture of all of the above.

Anyway, it may take me a little while to find my voice, and I've spent a large portion of this evening in setting the blog up so I'll bid you farewell for now. Until next time...


Charon QC said...

Hi... Good stuff - another bloggger!

Not that i mind, because I'mm used to people spelling my real name / other guise in strange ways - but who is "Charnac QC"..!


I'll add you to my blogroll - Thanks for adding me to your blogroll

Anonymous said...

Hi BB,

Welcome to the Ether!!

Thanks for adding me to your blogroll - will add you right back!!